How to Conduct Better Meetings at Work (That Your Employees Won’t Hate Attending!)


Most managers are never trained on how to run a meeting that will be productive and positive. Often, meetings are a source of dread for employees when they realize that they would be better off spending their time working than talking about the work they’re doing. But meetings are sometimes essential, so it is critical… Read more »

5 Ways to Feel Happier at Your Data Entry Job


There is no way around it. Data entry is, at its core, a repetitive task. But that doesn’t mean you have to be miserable at work. In fact, there are plenty of small things you can do to make yourself on the job no matter what it is you do for a living. Before you… Read more »

Better Bosses Are Better Communicators!


If you really want to be a better leader, there is one thing that you need to focus your energy on improving. To be the best boss, you need to be an excellent communicator. When you improve your ability to communicate with others at any level, you’ll begin to put the right pieces in order… Read more »

Better Ways to Start Your Day and Increase Productivity


It’s true! Your morning can set the tone for your entire day. The more frazzled you are before arriving at work, the more manic your day in the office will be. And regardless of your morning needs, you can establish a routine that can work for you, your entire family, and your career. Here are some… Read more »